In every investment decision, a growing need to contribute more effectively to sustainability challenges has to be taken into account.
Climate warming, weakening air quality, water pollution and waste are examples of current global sustainability challenges. Sometimes traditional technologies offer the best solutions, but we also need novel solutions to complex environmental problems.
Solutions to these global challenges, such as environmental sustainability, call for systems thinking. We need to understand the context in which a product is going to operate and whether it relates to the need to reduce emissions, use less oil-based fuel or water, end-of-life disassembly, or marketing in a region which taxes based on a footprint.
By understanding the broader context in which the challenges lie, we are able to identify more sustainable solutions.
In this programme, you will learn to identify the challenges of sustainability and view them in a multidisciplinary way, producing solutions which take all aspects of sustainability in society into consideration. You will also learn how to approach complex value chains in a purposeful, analytical and creative way in order to find answers to different aspects of sustainability.
You will take courses on life cycle management, renewable energy and energy efficiency, waste management, emission control and reduction, climate change, and sustainable business and innovation.
Your studies will focus on industrial and corporate processes and practices, enabling you to acquire knowledge and skills to introduce sustainability solutions to the corporate and government sectors.