Digitalisation not only supports design processes and methods, but also enhances business opportunities with new business models and integrated products, services and systems, enabled through information stream. Digital design improves collaboration between different engineering disciples and integrates diverse design phases like concept design, embodiment design, design evaluation, detail design and manufacturing. The track concentrates on the digital design processes in the industry, the digital design methods, and future possibilities.
Today, Masters in engineering need theoretical and practical knowledge of design, regardless of whether they are designing small or large. Design is required in all areas of mechanical engineering, and contemporary digital design methods and tools make design an exciting experience.
The Digital Design specialisation track educates professionals with foundations in design thinking and mindset, theoretical understanding, systematic methods and practical skills in designing products, services and systems, including human-centric problem solving approaches, to educate value creation leaders for smart products, services and systems.
The students will learn designing, modeling, analysis, and optimization of products, machines, structures and systems. In addition to theoretical knowledge and practical skills of design in mechanical engineering, the Digital Design specialisation track supports the students with the development of suitable personal and social competencies.
Digital Design is one of the three specialisation tracks of the Master's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering. The other specialisation tracks are
Smart Systems
Digital Manufacturing.