Many aspects of modern life are unsustainable, either environmentally, economically, or socially. Why is this? What can we do about it?
Our Sustainability and Environmental Management degree explores why unsustainable practices develop, from underlying drivers to the behaviours of individuals, and will provide you with the knowledge and skills to tackle these problems.
To do this you'll combine environmental and social science approaches. Environmental sciences will allow you to build an understanding of the fundamental environmental basis of sustainability. Perspectives from politics, economics, policy and law will then allow you to explore the social dimensions of sustainability and develop pathways towards more sustainable societies.
You’ll be trained in a wide range of data collection and analysis methods and will refine your research skills through research projects and hands-on field training.
Sustainability is an increasingly important area for business, public sector organisations, research, and non-governmental organisations. This degree will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work in a huge range of sectors and to make a real difference to the world.