This joint honours degree will develop your understanding of modern political systems and explores fundamental philosophical questions about the world and our place in it.
Compulsory modules will introduce you to key principles and topics in each subject area. You'll then choose from a wide selection of optional modules, allowing you to tailor your degree to suit your interests, not just within politics and philosophy, but also across the University through studying discovery modules.
You could study topics as diverse as ancient philosophy, political philosophy, moral philosophy, the nature of knowledge and the self, bioethics, aesthetics, the philosophy of race or gender, the history of ideas, global development, international relations, and political issues in regions ranging from the USA to Africa and China.
You’ll engage with material that demonstrates how the study of politics and philosophy are relevant to contemporary issues and concerns such as race, gender, war, terrorism, revolution, or debates about oppression, equality, justice and international obligations.
Both politics and philosophy have an important role in explicating diverse ways of understanding the world, the experiences of different people, how our world is shaped and how it can be changed for the better.