This joint honours degree explores different ways of developing an understanding of key issues within public and social life. It combines the focus of Social Policy on wellbeing with Sociology's insight into how contemporary societies operate.
In your Sociology studies, you will explore the structures of societies and how they constitute social patterns. This might be through ideas and values, identity categories associated with characteristics such as gender, class, or ethnicity, or through areas such as the labour market or education. This is crucial to our understanding of how different groups in society experience wellbeing, as well as the dynamics needed to change patterns of inequality.
The study of Social Policy provides an exciting opportunity to critically analyse contemporary social issues related to human wellbeing, inequality, disadvantage and crime. You will explore real-world challenges in a global context, drawing on social, political, public policy and economic theories.
Both departments encourage strong synergy between research and teaching, resulting in a vibrant learning environment as staff respond in their teaching to new research.