Mechanical Engineering focuses extensively the use and conversion of energy, designing and manufacturing various types of machinery (using various types of engines, motors, and hydraulic devices), material selection, structure design, and endurance evaluation. Today, the field of Mechanical Engineering has broadened its field into electronics, factory automation, CAD/CAM, robotics and mechatronics, energy engineering, semiconductor production processes, MEMS, and bioengineering. Almost all manufactured goods from semiconductor parts to automobile parts, refrigerators, power plants, ships, as well as airplanes, are dealt with in our department. Our curriculum can be divided into two parts starting from elementary level to specialty level. At the elementary level, students learn basic courses such as engineering mechanics, engineering mathematics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, manufacturing processes, internal combustion engine, introduction to design, mechanical drawing, CAD and other core courses required in this field. At the specialty level, students learn tribology, mechatronics related to the fluid power control, computational heat and fluid dynamics, and automobile engineering.