Aerospace engineering is an academic field promoted at the national level in order to advance as nation through the 21st century. Our goal is to nourish creative, practical and problem-solving experts needed by cutting-edge aerospace industries. With the purpose of developing large aerospace system such as aircraft, satellites, and projectiles, our major focuses on the domain of general engineering such as solid mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, CAD and control engineering as well as aerodynamics, aerospace propulsion systems, flight mechanics, aircraft structural mechanics, and orbital mechanics, all of which fall under the unique domain of aerospace engineering. By including both basic/prerequisite engineering courses and required/elective aerospace courses in the curriculum, we aim to foster creative and practical aerospace experts required in the 21st century’s high-tech aerospace industry. Meanwhile, our major has developed and opened a new curriculum in the field of unmanned aircraft systems design and real time simulation as a result of mechatronics, which combines mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer engineering thereby attempting to specialize in both the education and the research and development of aerospace engineering.