Mathematics is a fascinating, beautiful and diverse subject to study. It underpins a wide range of disciplines; from physical sciences to social science, from biology to business and finance. At Liverpool, our programmes are designed with the needs of employers in mind, to give you a solid foundation from which you may take your career in any number of directions.
A Mathematics degree at the University of Liverpool is an excellent investment in your future. We have a large department with highly qualified staff, a first-class reputation in teaching and research, and a great city in which to live and work. You will see a broad range of degree programmes at Liverpool.
By choosing this programme you will study Mathematics (75%) and a language (25%). If you choose to do a year aborad, you will study for two years at Liverpool, then you will be well prepared for the third year spent at a university abroad. There, you will absorb the culture and experience living abroad and gain further fluency in the relevant language. The fourth year is spent back in Liverpool studying Mathematics and communication/translation skills.
At Liverpool, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese may be taken from A level or as a beginner’s language where no previous qualifications in the language are necessary. You can also take up Catalan or Portuguese from beginner level only.
In the first year our vibrant language modules at advanced level will both refresh and extend your knowledge of the target language. If you are a beginner, our fast-moving programme will quickly take you to A level standard during the course of your first year.