The oceans regulate the climate of the planet through storing and transporting heat and carbon as well as modifying properties of the overlying atmosphere. Complex issues such as climate change and sea level rise can only be understood if the role of the ocean and atmosphere is fully appreciated.
This degree provides an understanding of how the ocean and atmosphere operate in the climate system, as well as offering a strong grounding in mathematics. It is offered in collaboration between the Department of Mathematics in the School of Physical Sciences and the internationally renowned National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool, providing excellent preparation for careers in computer modelling in oceanography, meteorology or environmental monitoring.
You will acquire a broad knowledge of mathematics and the analytical and numerical techniques for solving problems, and the ability to apply those techniques with confidence. You will gain an understanding of how the climate system behaves, how the atmosphere and ocean transport heat, why jets and eddies emerge on a rotating planet, how tracers are transported and mixed, and how these processes affect the growth of phytoplankton.
The degree in Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Sciences at Liverpool is accredited by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.
A number of the School’s degree programmes involve laboratory and field work. Fieldwork is carried out in various locations, ranging from inner city to coastal and mountainous environments. We consider applications from prospective disabled students on the same basis as all other students, and reasonable adjustments will be considered to address barriers to access.