Our Mathematics (Placement Year) degree offers you the chance to apply the knowledge you’ve gained from our comprehensive range of modules in your first two years whilst working full-time in industries from the public and private sectors.
Mathematics forms the foundations of all science and technology and as such is an extensive and rigorous discipline. Our programme reflects this and offers a comprehensive, detailed study through excellent teaching and development opportunities. Maths is difficult to concisely define, but at its core it is the study of change, patterns, quantities, structures and space. This engaging programme, and our reputation for excellence in research, means that you will receive high quality teaching delivered by academics who are leaders in their field. Throughout the three years, you will develop a range of discipline specific skills and gain specialist knowledge that will prepare you for your chosen career.
During your first year, you will build on your previous knowledge and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. Modules cover a wide range of topics from calculus, probability and statistics to logic, proofs and theorems. As well as developing your technical knowledge and mathematical skills, you will also enhance your data analysis, problem-solving and quantitative reasoning skills.
In the second year, you will further develop your knowledge in analysis, algebra, probability and statistics. You will also be introduced to Computational Mathematics, exploring the theory and application of computation and numerical problem-solving methods. While studying these topics, you will complete our Project Skills module, which provides you with the chance to enhance your research and employment skills through an individual and group project. Additionally, you will gain experience of scientific writing, and you will practise using statistical software such as R and LaTeX.
To prepare you for your work placement year, our Careers and Placements Team will provide advice and guidance on: the skills required to create effective CVs, cover letters and applications; tips and techniques on how to make an impact at interviews and assessment centres; how to create a relevant digital profile; and how to research employers and career sectors of interest. In addition, there is great emphasis placed upon developing self-awareness and on how to present yourself in a professional manner to employers. This optional provision will be delivered via a blend of traditional and digital methods including face-to-face workshops, online webinars, e-courses and 1:1 appointments.
In third year you will undertake a 12 month placement which will allow you to apply the knowledge and skills that you’ve learnt in Years 1 and 2, and to gain invaluable experience which will make you highly employable when you graduate. As well as your paid employment, you will submit monthly learning logs reflecting on your experience.
The University will use all reasonable effort to support you to find a suitable placement for your studies. While a placement role may not be available in a field or organisation that is directly related to your academic studies or career aspirations, all placement roles offer valuable experience of working at a graduate level and gaining a range of professional skills. If you are unsuccessful in securing a suitable placement for your third year, you will be able to transfer to the equivalent non-placement degree scheme and continue with your studies at Lancaster, finishing your degree after your third year.
Returning to Lancaster, your final year offers a wide range of specialist optional modules, allowing you to develop and drive the programme to suit your interests and guide you to a specific career pathway. You will have the chance to apply the skills and knowledge you have gained in the first two years in advanced mathematical modules such as Combinatorics, Number Theory, Hilbert Space and Metric Spaces. Looking back at your placement year, you will also complete a portfolio of work-based learning reflections such as the skills you’ve developed and the experiences you’ve had, and how this has impacted upon your future aspirations.