Language and Linguistics at Aberdeen is the fascinating exploration of human language and how speech evolved, creating a bridge between sound and meaning. Sociology looks at what society means, how it shapes us as individuals in all sorts of ways, and how societies have developed.
In this joint programme you will examine current and future challenges, and learn how a deeper understanding of society and language & linguistics can help to address these challenges.
Top-rated teaching and a culture of dynamic research and excellent transferable skills will ensure you are a sought-after graduate by employers in many sectors.
Language is the very essence of what makes us human, setting us apart from all other species. Linguistics helps us analyse, discuss and model this fascinating human attribute so that we understand ourselves and human societies more fully.
Studying Language & Linguistics as part of your degree will introduce you to, among other things, how human language and speech may have evolved, the complex functions and structures of language in its role as a bridge between sound and meaning, the ways in which we acquire languages as children and adults, the ways in which languages vary and the mechanisms by which they change over time.
In Sociology, you will dig deeply into the ‘society’ influences on the economy, studying topics as wide-ranging as work-life balance, sociology of the family, religion and society. You will be taught by academic staff with international reputations for conducting high-quality research in social movements and global political sociology, religion and secularisation, conflict and peace. You will become skilled in the social research methods used to gather the evidence to better understand aspects of society – including observation, interviews, large-scale surveys, or analysing the content of documents and videos.
Pairing Language & Linguistics with Sociology will develop critical thinking, research and analysis, and analytical, and other essential skills to address current and future societal challenges. Top-rated teaching and a culture of dynamic research over the course of your studies will also develop numerous transferable skills to ensure you are a sought-after graduate by employers in many sectors.