Politics and Sociology at Aberdeen is an excellent combination which gives you solid grounding in politics and political systems across the world and adds deeper study of the societies we are part of and how they shape us as individuals in all sorts of ways including the political decisions that we make.
Top-rated teaching and a culture of dynamic research will make you a sought-after graduate by employers in many sectors, and with strong options in politics.
In Politics, you will be right at the front of debate on current world events – including Britain’s relationship with its European neighbours and movements of regionalisation within the EU and UK. You will explore voting behaviour, different political systems, making and implementing policy, nationalism, concepts of democracy and ever-present concerns of conflict and peace.
You can also take advantage of unique options made possible by the research pedigree of our academic team with a strong track record in publishing international papers and articles.
Sociology at Aberdeen will complement and add depth to your study of political systems and behaviour. You will explore how society shapes us as individuals in all sorts of ways and study sociology of the family, work-life balance, religion and society.
You will be taught by experts in social movements, conflict and peace, religion and secularisation and global political sociology and become skilled in the social research methods used to gather the evidence to better understand aspects of society – such as observation, interviews, large-scale surveys or analysing the content of documents and videos.
You will have great career options in politics, media, local and national government, NGOs and international affairs and also marketing and advertising, social and market research, teaching, health and social services, charities and human resources.