Sociology and Theology & Religion at Aberdeen combines a fascinating exploration of how society shapes us as individuals in all sorts of ways, with in-depth study of the powerful influencing factor of religion, studying and comparing the major religions across the world, and with special focus on Christian faith in historic and contemporary contexts.
In Sociology you’ll explore the issues and challenges of modern societies and how they have developed through time until the present day. In addition to the influence of religion you’ll study topics including sociology of the family, work-life balance, the influence of crime, and the state.
You’ll become skilled in the social research methods used to gather the evidence to better understand aspects of society – which could be observation, interviews, large-scale surveys or analysing the content of documents and videos.
You’ll be taught by academic staff with international reputations for conducting high-quality research in religion and secularisation, conflict and peace, social movements, and global political sociology.
In Theology & Religious Studies you’ll gain a sound understanding of the major religious traditions of the world, including their historical development and contemporary importance, with a special focus on Christian faith, life and doctrine in its historical, institutional and contemporary context.
You’ll study biblical languages, the history of the church in the west, the Reformation in Scotland, the role of religion in ethical and political debates, and religious aspects of disability.
You’ll develop great skills in social awareness and analysis, thinking critically, and posing probing questions, all of which will make you a sought-after for a variety of interesting careers including church ministry and administration, media and journalism, public service, charities, NGOs and international affairs, business, publishing, and education.