Our unique MSc in Bioarchaeology offers pathways in biomolecular archaeology and environmental archaeology. It provides an excellent academic opportunity for you to develop your fascination with the life of humans in the past through the study of biological materials found during archaeological activity.
You will join an exciting course that reflects the fast-paced world of bioarchaeology, where knowledge and understanding are constantly expanding as a result of new breakthroughs and discoveries. You will have the opportunity to work with the latest developments in archaeological science including human bioarchaeology and palaeopathology, stable isotope mass spectrometry, ancient DNA and environmental archaeology.
The course offers a choice of pathways that will be tailored to your interests. You can choose to specialise in a single branch of bioarchaeology, or to combine subjects to gain a broader overview of this rapidly changing field. Whichever pathway you choose, you will benefit from high quality training in analytical, research and communication skills.
The pathways are
MSc Bioarchaeology, which provides a broad overview of bioarchaeology,
MSc Bioarchaeology (Biomolecular Archaeology), which focuses on the study of stable isotopes and DNA extracted from biological materials
MSc Bioarchaeology (Environmental Archaeology) focusing on the study of animal bones, plant remains and soils from archaeological contexts.
You will carry out project and dissertation work where you will have the opportunity to play a key role in the creation and application of cutting-edge analytical methods to understand more about human life and environment in the past. The Department is not only at the forefront of creating globally significant innovative solutions in the application of biosciences to archaeological research but is also able to provide you with a supportive learning environment where your bioarchaeological ambitions can flourish.