The extensive overlap between Anthropology and Archaeology makes them ideal subjects for a Joint Honours degree. The degree combines modules from the BA/BSc Anthropology degrees and BA Archaeology, providing a comprehensive understanding of humanity both past and present.
As a joint honours student you will receive a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of both anthropology and archaeology, as well as exploring the relationships between the disciplines.
In the second year, you will develop a deeper understanding of methods and theory in anthropology and archaeology, and pursue your growing interests through optional modules offered by both departments. You will also take an integrated module exploring the relationships between the two subjects.
In the final year, you will design and carry out your own research project for your dissertation. You may also choose to go on a residential field course.
As a student in the Anthropology and Archaeology Departments, you will be welcomed into both academic communities and can attend an extensive programme of research seminars, which may provide inspiration for your dissertation topic and even future study or employment.