The MA History programme at Queen’s is designed to offer an innovative package of modules that challenges
students to develop their knowledge and skills, and flourish in their area of interest or future specialism.
Our Faculty have research specialisms across a range of chronological and geographical areas. We have areas of particular strength in ancient, medieval, early modern and contemporary history in Ireland, Britain, the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia. Students will be taught by leading experts in public history, urban history, women’s and gender history, religious history, political history, and extra-European history.
Modules are designed in a complementary fashion in order to develop the range of skills that employers expect from graduates from the best designed postgraduate taught programmes. They are designed also to train students who want to continue onto a PhD.
Modules range from methods and sources to sources to research-based dissertations and public history internships (subject to availability). The History of Religion, Race and Ethnicity, Social, Cultural, Gender, Political History or Economic History are all explored. You can opt to take these approaches within American History, British History, Irish History, European History, African History, Asian History or Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern and Modern History.