The MA Journalism at the School of Media in TU Dublin is at the heart of an institution that has been pioneering in journalism education for more than 50 years. As the practice and theory of journalism changes, the course changes with it, but without losing sight of the basic principles of reporting, producing and editing across platforms including video journalism, radio, podcasting, and online news. The course includes tuition, skills training, practical experience, a wide range of assignments, seminars, tutorials, group projects, independent study and research. (Students also undertake a placement in industry).
Good journalism, produced by reflective, critical practitioners, is crucial to the development and maintenance of democracy. The course seeks to produce journalists who are multi-skilled and critically aware, and have a good understanding of the role of journalism in society. Graduates from the course now work in media organisations in Ireland and abroad, as well as in social-media companies and in other employments where good communicators are valued.