Application Charges
Application Fee |
Tution Fee |
KRW 150
Application Date
Application Start Date |
Application Closing Date |
2024-08-05 |
Exam Test Required
Speaking Score |
Listening Score |
Writing Score |
Reading Score |
71 |
71 |
71 |
71 |
The Department of Public Administration aims to guide the students in order to become the future leaders that make a difference in our society. The roles of the government and the public policies have expanded within the fast-paced and globalized society today, which have become increasingly diversified. The Department of Public Administration offers various courses where the students can explore the theories about public administration and policies, while they learn about different applications and cases in the real world. The students will learn about and develop skills that are related to organization and leadership, human resource management, non-profit and public management, budgets and finance, the policy-making process, and the implementation of public policies via the core curriculum. The courses in the Department of Public Administration cover a wide variety of topics, which range from public corporate management, politics and policies, to big data and analyses. The curriculum and the courses that are offered reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field, which are well-equipped to guide students in order to be educated in various arenas in regards to public management and public policy.