Digital Media is now an integrated partof all areas of the digital landscape.Covering areas from traditional graphicdesign and web and digital media,but also now a key skill in all forms ofmarketing, business and data analysis.
Technology and its seamlessintegration into our lives has nowcaused an increased need for welldesigned information and assets,delivered in a bespoke, market focusedformat.
Analytics, and information and theuse of data, is now a major role in thedigital landscape. Understanding data,retrieval, processing and presentationof data is a highly sought after skillset,across many if not all areas of businessworld.
This programme aims to marry thesetwo skills together, and create a learnerthat is highly skilled in the area ofDigital Media Design with an in-depthknowledge of Business Analytics.
The graduate will possess the abilityand key skills needed to engage, create,and communicate information to aconsumer driven market.