If you are interested in developing new innovative food products to meet the demands of the modern consumer, be it in the areas of healthy eating, athletic performance and disease prevention, the BSc in Food Science is the perfect course for you. The diverse scope of subjects covered provides students with a unique blend of scientific and technical skills designed to meet the needs of careers in the food industry, ranging from research and development to food processing and production.
The production and distribution of food is the single most important economic activity in the world and food scientists are an essential part of this activity as their work considers the very nature of food itself. Studying food science immerses you in the dynamic world of science, technology and food. It is the study of the structure, behaviour and interactions of key food components, alongside the microbiology and processing of food. At a macro level, food scientists are at the forefront of developing new food products in order to meet the demands of society for high quality, safe, and nutritious food. Emerging challenges in food science include the nutritional needs and food preferences of health conscious consumers, elite athletes, and aging populations; the sustainability and environmental impact of food production; and the development of innovative technologies with potential applications in foods. These issues are catalysts for exciting new discoveries and developments in the area of food, and food scientists play a crucial role in these developments.
A six-month work-placement period forms an integral part of the course and will give you the opportunity to work in industry, thus gaining real-world experience and acquiring key transferable skills in communication, management, and organisation.
Our four-year programme places strong emphasis on enhancing your employability and to this end you will take courses on developing your professional skills including team-working skills, communication skills, time management and project management