The BSc (Hons) in Physical Education Studies with Business is designed to enable students to create, plan and deliver curricula, which integrate practical expertise and theoretical knowledge, appropriate to teaching Physical Education and Business, to a diverse range of learners in an educational context. Graduates of the programme will gain knowledge, skills and competencies that will equip them to constructively contribute to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation both within their schools and a national context.
The BSc (Hons) in Physical Education Studies with Business programme has been designed in line with the Teaching Council’s curricular subject registration requirements for both Physical Education and Business. Graduates of the programme will have the necessary requirements and will be eligible to gain entry to Professional Master of Education (PME) programmes in Physical Education, Business or Physical Education and Business (combined). Graduates are also eligible to pursue a teaching qualification through postgraduate study options in the UK.
There are two pathways into the BSc (Hons) in Physical Education Studies with Business. The first is through direct entry from the CAO to this programme which guarantees the student a place on the programme for the duration of their studies. The second pathway will be at the end of the 2nd year of the Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences degree programmes (MT 911 or MT 511).
There is also a pathway into the Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences programmes (MT 911 or MT 511) or Inclusive Sport and Physical Activity programmes (MT 914 or MT 514) after 2nd year of this Physical Education Studies with Business programme, should a candidate decide that physical education and business teaching is no longer a desirable career option.
All course material is delivered through a blend of applied theory and practice. Students complete a generic first two years exposing them to a broad range of areas in the fields of health, sport, wellbeing and business. These areas provide a strong foundation for teaching the full breadth of the Physical Education and Business curricula in post-primary schools. The latter two years of the programme focus heavily on the curricular areas of Physical Education and Business, to dovetail with future PME studies. The final year of the programme also features an extended teaching practice placement across both primary and post primary settings and a final year research project.