The Biomedical Sciences are one of the hottest and most dynamic areas of Biology, leading to continuous and exciting progress in scientific knowledge and its applications to human health.
The multidisciplinary approach, including molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, pharmacology, physiology and pathology, and the close connection with research activities of excellence, combined with a particular attention to the needs of the single students, are the strengths of this Master’s Degree Program.
The preparation offered by this course qualifies the graduates in BMS for various professional profiles, including: working in scientific communication; functioning as medical advisor or as medical science liaison in the medical directions of pharmaceutic and biotech companies; executing and supervising analyses and quality control in the clinical, biomolecular, genetic, cytogenetic, microbiological, pharmaco-toxicological fields; participating actively in the planning and execution of research in the biomedical field and in the dissemination of the results to the scientific community.