The Master’s programme in Mediterranean Archaeology offers a diachronic, comprehensive
overview of the deep history of the Mediterranean through a thematic approach. Historic
trajectories from Prehistory and Protohistory to Classical and Medieval worlds will be
analysed embracing a perspective that opens up towards Contemporaneity. The course highly
benefits from the location in the city of Rome, at the core of the Mediterranean area.
The wide range of archaeological research in Italy and abroad led by Sapienza provides
students with unique opportunities for fieldworks, lab activities and stages on a Mediterranean
scale. Agreements with the main national and international bodies of research, valorization
and cultural heritage protection expand the spectrumof training.
The Master’s course in Mediterranean Archaeology offers an innovative approach to
archaeological studies that goes beyond the traditional separation of courses and curricula
by periods. The focus will be the processes, cross- disciplinary themes, such as social and
economic developments, cultural transformations, mobility and migrations, trade exchanges
and networks, on a diachronic perspective.